Minimum number = 10
This game ideally needs two leaders - one to squeeze and one to score.
Two teams of equal size.
Each team sits in a line all facing the same way side to side, holding hands.
The two teams must be back to back so they can't see the other team. The Leader sits at one end holding the free hand of the last child in each team.
When ready the leader squeezes the two hands he/she is holding at the same time. The children must now transfer the squeeze down the line without making any noise.
When the child at the end feels a squeeze they hold up their free hand. If they are first and get it right their team wins a point. However if they hold up their hand when there
hasn’t been a squeeze from the leader their team loses a point. At the end of each round the child next to the leader goes to the other end, until all children have been in first
and last locations. The team with the most points is thre winner.
Minimum number = 6
Divide the children into two teams if there are 8 or more, otherwise just one group is fine. Line them up so that they are all facing front to back. Now get the front person in
each team to turn so they are facing front to front with the next player. Give the first child a coin which they must hold in the palm of their outstretched hand. The second player
holds their hand out, palm upwards. At the word go, they must now try and pass the coin down the line by “slapping” the coin onto the palm of the next child without dropping it.
If the coin is dropped it can be picked up but must continue from where it was dropped. The first team to transfer all coins is the winner. Watch for “cheating”, e.g. players
holding the coin so it can’t fall off their hand when “slapping” it to the next player.