Minimum number = 10
Form a circle with one child inside. One child in the circle has a ball, which they hold behind their back. All the others hold their hands behind their backs too. The one with the
ball starts to pass it around when the leader says go. The child in the middle must identify who has the ball by saying STOP - The children must stop passing the ball immediately - and
then pointing to them. If they are right they change places, if not they stay “it” for up to three goes. The ball can change direction at any time and children can pretend to be
passing the ball as well as really passing it.
Minimum number = 6
Divide into two teams (or three if more than five in a team). In front of each team a table with a fish cut-out from
card lying at the near end. The tail is folded so it stands
slightly upwards. The first person in each team is given a wafter (can be a piece of thick card, hardboard, etc.). When the leader says go, they must race their fish off the end of
the their table using only air to push it along by means of the wafter. As soon as they get the fish off the end of the table they pick it up, put it back at the beginning, give the
wafter to the next child and go to the back of their team. As soon as everyone has had a go they all sit down. The first team to finish is the winner. If
the fish comes off the side of
the table it must be put back (as far as it had gone) and wafted onwards.